miércoles, 26 de mayo de 2010

Breaking Up

I did not mind the taste of lemons
When minutes were
A joy each morning
Bitterness was something
That happened to others
In those early days
Clouds gathering on the brow
Drop persistent fear
Of unworthiness
Heavy rocks instead of hands
Weakening all purpose
No sense of direction
No peaceful meadow
By the side of the road
To stop and bask under the sun
Sleep there
Empty of dreams
All memory gone
Erased by another better self
The one who will tell me
When I care to listen
To keep the map to myself.


Another Life

I found the photograph between
the pages of a book.
Poems from another century.
I did not recognize the profile
by an open door,
nor the trees you can see
through the window.
But that room has to be somewhere,
with different colours on the walls.
And maybe another profile
comes and goes,
looks at the trees,
but only sees his own thoughts.
It must have meant something
to me if I kept it among words,
following some strange ritual
that did not protect it from becoming
the photograph of a perfect stranger.


You and the Moment

Lend me your tongue
To speak your language
I promise to keep
Your thoughts hidden
From the world
I promise to colour
These surroundings
With discreet passion
For others who
Leaning on twilights
Carefully wrapped
Ignore our own.

Lend me your eyes
To follow the sun
From rooftops to valleys
Towards the West
I will seek elusive
Beauty in Northern Lights
Burned forests
Or disjointed railroad tracks
Going nowhere
I´ll confide in lonely
Rivers to wash away
The sadness
That looked through
Them at the first
Light of your world.

Lend me your heart
To learn from sorrow
And silent lakes
In the sky
Of memories dexterously
Engraved by childish
Hands in mornings
When frost scattered
Your blood with crystals
And a chill gave you wings
To take flight. 

OH 2010

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