lunes, 22 de marzo de 2010

And, if not, say my name

I will remain silent
And put the sounds of a rushing
World in a box.
I will hide it deep in a closet.
Tears for key,
Screams for lock.
Let down my hair in front of
A mirror with
Cobwebs of dreams
Spiders of thoughts.
I will brush it while
Flipping through
The pages of a magazine.
Expecting my mind to be
Silent and behave.
I will  hope that
Late hours will have mercy
On secrets, broken dolls
And the book unread.
I will trust your hand
To be soft and warm
While the candle flickers. 


viernes, 19 de marzo de 2010

Hammershoi & Dreyer

Is this all in
Your blood’s memory.
The solitary candles at night,
Barely shedding light
On defeat creeping
Out of eyes
That look down
Or sideways.

The invisible armour,
Freezing bodies
In a space
Devoid of time,
Where all the passing
Seconds have become
An eternity of screams
Never leaving
Those lips that chose
Death in life,
Not knowing any better.

Shoulders tensed, defending
A bare corner
Already taken
By the ghostly light
From a sunbeam
Escaping the grey heavens.

There are no clocks
In these rooms
To tick-tack
The stitches
Out of fingers
Suffocating passion
Or holding a letter
With no good news.
Just worms of sadness
And rancour
Throughout a day
Contained within the walls
Of a house.


martes, 16 de marzo de 2010

I used to stand on air
Performing the trick of brushing
Clouds with finger-tips
And looked at trees so
Grey in winter that
Would scratch and bleed
My thoughts of wings.

I would come down
My limbs unharmed
And rest on grass burned
By frost of days
Thieves of hours
Long nails bursting
Clouds of rain.


sábado, 6 de marzo de 2010

Las horas muertas
En su clamor de atardecer rosado
Frías despegadas ya del sol se alzan
Iracundas contra los acantilados
Un bramido de espuma  se desprende
De sus crines salpica los labios
Recorre incrustadas caracolas
Negras como las rocas que las cobijan

Retroceden asaltan una vez más esa mudez
De siglos y agotadas buscan la arena
Bajo mis pies entre algas
Mueren y renacen como estrellas de cristal
Buscan reflejo en las otras allá
En lo alto  aquellas que dicen
Yo vi antes tu vapor suspiro
Espuma que recrea el espejismo primero
El sueño más tarde eterno

Saliva que dice yo te esculpo de mí
Naces arrastrándote arena roca matojos
Colina arriba hasta andar de pie
Yo soy quien refleja recoge tu sueño cuando
Ansías vida y muerte y
Buscas otros ojos en mis crines

Yo te tengo sostengo lavo tu pena
Alimento la ligereza de tu afán
Soy el rumor último que te
Arrulla cuando ya no hay campanas y el
Amanecer se restriega los ojos
Y mira hacia el Oeste.
